TUESDAY 170307
Take 10:00 and establishing a working 1RM Clean and Jerk,
Rest 2:00 and configure barbell to 70% of 1RM then,
On a 10:00 Running Clock,
Run Big Loop (1 Mile)
As Many Repetitions As Possible of Clean and Jerk, 70% of 1RM (Score)
Note: Todays workout is a classic piece of old school Coach Glassman programming. The key to strength is to retain it at a high heart rate. How many people can Clean and Jerk over bodyweight, then achieve 10 or more repetitions (score) on todays timed evolution?
Krav Maga Update!
The official Krav Maga Santa Cruz and Krav Maga Worldwide Yellow Belt class begins Monday, March 13, 2017, at 6:15 PM. Please remember that black pants (of any type) and a Krav Maga shirt are required for each class. Krav Maga shirts are available for purchase at HQ. Krav Maga pants are available for special order. The Yelow Belt Test is tentatively scheduled for the first half of June, 2017. Reminder that Krav Maga shirt and black pants are required for each class. Athletes will also need full finger protection bag gloves. Mouth piece and groin protection are recommended but not required.
Good luck and safe travels to Greg Amundson who will be working over the next 3 days with the National Park Police at Grand Teton National Park on implementing a CrossFit program for their Park Deputies and Critical Response Team.
CrossFit Light (5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at HQ)
Our Light Workout will be HQ programming.
CrossFit Clinic Class (7:00 PM – 8:00 PM at HQ)