08 April 2016

FRIDAY 160408

Every 4 minutes for as long as possible complete:

From 0:00-4:00

2 rounds of:
6 Thrusters (95lb. / 65lb.)
6 Burpees

From 4:00-8:00

2 rounds of:
8 Thrusters (95lb. / 65lb.)
8 Burpees

From 8:00-12:00

2 rounds of:
10 Thrusters (95lb. / 65lb.)
10 Burpees

From 12:00-16:00

2 rounds of:
12 Thrusters (95lb. / 65lb.)
12 Burpees

Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds

Note: Today’s workout is a great stimulus which encourages efficient movement patters and quick recovery. Weight’s can be modified to encourage at least 4 rounds (ie. minute 8:00 – 12:00) are completed.


Stretch – Mobilize – Breathe


Yoga for Warriors with Greg Amundson on Calibre Press


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