08 APRIL 2022

FRIDAY 220408

Reminder – The 8AM Class will be taught by Coach Adrian and will be a Strength / Olympic Lifting Class.

The programming for this class will be different than the below programming.

20 Minute Every Other Minute On the Minute (EOMOM)

Odd Minutes – Cindy – 5 Pullups, 10 Pushups, 15 Squats

Even Minutes – 1 Deadlift, 1 Power Clean, 1 Thruster (Up to 135 / Up to 85)

During today’s workout, athletes will be given time prior to the workout to find a weight for the barbell portion of the workout.

Reminder, Barbells with only 10lb plates should not be dropped from overhead as it will cause damage to the plates.

IMG 7878



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