08 JUNE 2020

MONDAY 200608

From the official “Team Guerrero CAMP”

On a 3:00 clock,
50 Double Unders (or 75 single jumps)
30 Squats
20 Weighted Object Hang Power Cleans
10 Hand Release Push-ups
Double Under, As Many Repetitions As Possible (or single jumps)

Rest up to 2:00 and perform a total of 3 rounds.

Note: On today’s session, your “score” each round is the total number of Double Unders achieved. Everything else is a “buy in.” If you don’t get to the double under station, report the number of repetitions and the respective station you were at when time ran out. We meet today on Zoom at: https://zoom.us/j/93975180605


Our Warrior Brother Alex!


Prayers for Alex and the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office

Our very own Alex Spencer was injured during a horrific incident in the San Lorenzo Valley earlier in the week. Although he is going to have a full recovery, he needs our prayers. In addition, Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller of the SCSO was tragically killed in the line of duty in which Alex was injured. Over the next several weeks we are asking all of our athletes to keep Law Enforcement and First Responders in their prayers and thoughts. Please stay posted for specific ways that our gym will be supporting Alex and the Gutzwiller family in addition to the entire Sheriff’s Office.


Gym Opening Update!

3,2,1 Go! Our gym will be re-opening on FRIDAY! We are so excited to be back at HQ with all of you. Please stay posted for forthcoming important details on equipment return policies and dates in addition to other stipulations that will be required when we open our doors. In order to have all the gear properly cleaned it is very important to return any gear you checked out on time.



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