09 APRIL 2020


Join us at 4:00PM today inside our “Zoom Classroom Gym” for a group workout! We will all have a chance to “see each other” and check in on everyones wellbeing. Zoom – https://zoom.us/j/928645475

Evolution A:

Tabata Double Under (8 rounds of 20 seconds “on” and 10 seconds “off”)

Rest as needed then,

Evolution B:

From the CrossFit Games Affiliate Fundraiser:

As Many Rounds and Repetitions As Possible in 10:00 of,
10 Squats
9 Dumbbell Snatches, right arm (or any one arm weighted object)
10 Push-ups
9 Dumbbell Snatches, left arm

Note: This is a super challenging session! Coach will be briefing modifications around the virtual whiteboard. Today’s workout will be on Zoom and also Facebook Live in our CrossFit Pleasure Point (private) Facebook Group. We encourage Zoom participation! If you need help logging in please let us know. The Zoom link above will be the SAME LINK we use all week.

ERSB Summit 4.14 Flyer



Join Greg Amundson and his team from Eagle Rise Speakers Bureau for a FREE Webinar. This is an incredible opportunity to hear the nation’s top public speakers and subject matter experts all at the same place and same time – your own home! Plus it is completely FREE! Register today and save your spot.


Thursday Night Yoga Nidra Practice – 6:30PM on Zoom https://zoom.us/j/669205546


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