10 January 2020

FRIDAY 200110

“The Rachel”

Every Minute On The Minute (EMOM) for 10:00,

Add one Power Clean (start with 1 repetition on minute 1:00)

Rest as needed then,

Perform Two Rounds on 2:00 rest,

On a 3:00 Clock,

90 Seconds of Concept2 Rowing (record calories)
Immediately followed by
90 Seconds of Burpees

Note: On the barbell component, pick a weight you can maintain for all 10 rounds (55 total reps!) A great goal for men is 135 and women 85. On the metabolic session, keep a running total of your calories and burpees. How many people can achieve 60 + repetitions on both rounds?

IMG 9219

Eric was AWESOME at Faith Works on Wednesday!


Friday Special Programs 

CrossFit Strength and Olympic Lifting (8:00AM – 9:00AM)


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