10 July 2015

FRIDAY 150710

“CrossFit Pleasure Point Challenge WOD #1″

For Time,

Run 1000 Meters (Big Loop)
Bench Press, 30 Repetitions (135lb. / 85lb.)
Concept 2 Row, 1000 Meters

Rest as needed then,

Strict Weighted Pull-up, 1 Repetition Maximum Weight

Note: This is the first of three “Challenge WOD’s” designed to test functional work capacity. These WOD’s are being used in several Law Enforcement Departments across the Country to test an Officers “ready state” of warrior-fitness, in particular for SWAT Operators. Weighted Pull-ups can be completed before or after main WOD. If weighted Pull-ups are not possible, use the least amount of band-assistance required. Although particularly important for our Public Safety professionals, the concept can be applied by all of our Athletes.


St. Lucie, Florida, SWAT Team – 2nd place on “Murph” SWAT Challenge


Friday Special Programs

Phase A Olympic Lifting (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ)


Coaches Corner” – Nutrition For Health and Performance

In The Kitchen With Greg – Episode 2 [video]


The “Coaches Corner” is a new feature to the CrossFit Pleasure Point website. Written and compiled by Greg Amundson, this weekly offering provides our Athletes with education and inspiration on the path to physical, mental and spiritual fitness.


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