10 MARCH 2020

TUESDAY 200310

Bench Press, 3,3,3,3,3 repetitions (5 second tempo / 1 second hold)

Between sets,

1 Rope Climb, MCTA (Most Challenging Technique Available)

Rest as needed then,

On a 3:00 clock,

Concept2 Row, 500 meters
Burpees, As Many Repetitions As Possible (score)

Note: Stay within a 5RM load on the Bench Press. Advanced athletes should strive for “No Leg” rope climbs. How many athletes can Rx the metabolic session and achieve 10 or more points?

IMG 1877

Coach Glassman at the 223 Infantry Reg.


Tuesday Special Programs

  • CrossFit at 10:30AM
  • Bag Class at 5:30
  • Yoga at 6:30


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