10 MAY 2021

MONDAY 210510

Every Minute On The Minute for 20:00,


5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

From 20:00 to 30:00,

Run 1 mile

Note: Maintain the EMOM for “Cindy” as long as possible. If you miss an interval, your workout will transition from an EMOM to an AMRAP. Athletes get 1 point for each round they successfully hold the EMOM interval. Running scores are 10 points for 6:00 or less, 8 points for 6:01 – 7:00, 6 points for 7:01 to 8:00, 4 points for 8:01 to 9:00, and 2 points for 9:01 to 10:00. We are getting ready for Memorial Day Murph!

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Warriors in the Sun!



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