TUESDAY 200211
“Strung Out Helen”
On a 16:00 Running Clock (4 rounds)
- 0:00 – 2:00 = Run 400 Meters (or Concept2 Row 400 meters)
- 2:00 – 3:00 = Kettlebell Swing, 21 Repetitions (53lb. / 35lb.)
- 3:00 – 4:00 = Pull-up, 12 Repetitions (kipping allowed)
- Continue rotation as outlined above and achieve 4 rounds at each station
Rest as needed then,
Every 90 seconds for 11:30 (7 rounds)
Hang Power Snatch, 3 repetitions (go heavy!)
Note: Today we are “extracting Helen” into it’s essential elements. Advanced athletes (Purple to Brown) should consider scaling up to Chest to Bar Pull-ups and a 73lb. / 53lb. Kettlebell.
Tuesday Special Programs
- CrossFit at 10:30AM
- Bag Class at 5:30PM
- Warrior Yoga at 6:30PM