FRIDAY 180511
On a 20:00 Clock,
Evolution A:
In the remaining time,
Run 800 Meters (Floral Loop)
Evolution B:
As Many Rounds As Possible Of:
Note: Your score on todays workout consists of Evolution A (“Grace” is 30 repetitions of Ground to Overhead, men 135lb. and women 95lb.) followed by an 800 meter run, then Evolution B (“Cindy” is 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups and 15 Squats). This is another great workout in preperation for Memorial Day Murph. Large classes will use HQ for “Grace” and Krav Maga for “Cindy”.
“Now that was a good one!”
Friday Special Programs & Schedule
8:00AM – 9:00AM (Strength Training & Olympic Lifting)
5:00PM – 6:00PM (CrossFit Pleasure Point Olympic Lifting Club)