TUESDAY 220712
Tabata Tuesday
During today’s workout, each Round of Tabata will consist of alternating movements. There will be a 3-4 minute rest between Tabata Evolutions depending on class size.
Athletes can choose their starting evolution but must maintain the evolution order. This is going to be a challenging session.
Scores will be the total amount of reps competed during Tabata Evolution.
Evolution A – Pushups / Situps
Evolution B – Walball (#20/16) / Air Squats
Evolution C – Ball Slam (#20/20) / Alternating Lunges
Evolution D – Kettle Bell Swings (#53/35) / Kettle Bell Sumo Deadlift High Pull (#53/35)
Rory after a Challenging WOD.
Tuesday’s Schedule
6AM – Workout of the Day
1030AM – Workout of the Day
4PM – Workout of the Day
515PM – Teen Class