12 March 2019

TUESDAY 190312

Tempo Bench Press, 10,7,5,3,1 Repetitions (See note below) 

Rest as needed then,

Row 500 meters for a record time
Rest as needed then,
Row 300 meters for a record time
Rest as needed then,
Row 100 meters for a record time

Note: The tempo today is a 5 second descent, one second hold at the bottom position, and then a rapid return to the start position. Add weight each set. We will record the final 1RM tempo. On the Concept2 Row each effort should be an absolute all out and heroic effort. Compare today’s bench press weight to February 14, 2019. 

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Justin “The Stallion” Cardona 


Congratulations to Guerrero Fight Team professional fighter (2/0) Justin Cardona on his victory on March 9, 2019, at the StubHub center in Carson, CA. Justin has been training extremely hard with Coach and Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero and is an upcoming World Champion fighter. 


Please note there is no Bag Class tonight or Wednesday. Next Bag Class will be on Thursday, March 14. 


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