13 APRIL 2021

TUESDAY 210413

On a 5:00 clock,

  • Ground to Overhead, 15 repetitions (75lb. 55lb.)
  • Concept2 Row, 15 calories (12 women)
  • Burpee, 15 repetitions
  • Toes to Bar, 15 repetitions
  • Box Jump, 15 repetitions (20 inches)

Note: Rest up to 2:00 and perform 3 total rounds. You have 1:00 at each station to perform the required repetitions. This workout operates like Fight Gone Bad.

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Farewell to Kielster and Loster on their adventure in Australia!


Tuesday Schedule

  • CrossFit at 6AM, 8AM, 10:30AM and 4PM
  • Teenager Class at 3PM
  • Bag Class at 5:15PM



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