13 December 2018


CAMP Training Session (CrossFit Pleasure Point Maximum Performance)

“Get Some”

Complete Three Rounds, Resting 1:00 Between Rounds:

Minute One: Dumbbell Push-Press (35lb. / 25lb.)
Minute Two: Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75lb. / 53lb.)
Minute Three: Box Jump, Maximum Repetitions (20′)
Minute Four: Assault Bike (60 men / 40 women RPM)
Minute Five: GI Jane

Note: Todays workout operates like “Fight Gone Bad” in which the Athlete achieves maximum repetitions at each station, then rotates at the end of the minute immediately to the next station. There is no rest between stations. At the end of each round, rest 1:00 and tally scores, then repeat for a total of 3 rounds. Athletes can pick their start station, but must honor the order of rotation. Maintain a total running score for each round. The Assault Bike RPM counts as 20 points. Coach will be running the 6AM and 4PM class today, which will include a brief period of pranayama (breathing) and meditation.Bag Class is today at 5:15PM to 6PM.


Congratulations to Gabby!


Thursday Special Programs 

Bag Class (5:15PM – 6PM at HQ)


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