14 April 2017

FRIDAY 170414

“The Grind-Errrr”

One Minute “On” followed by One Minute “Off”

Assault Bike (70 + / 50 + RPM)
Rest 1:00
Concept2 Row (1:45 – / 1:55 -)
Rest 1:00
Wallball Shots (Maximum Repetitions – 20lb. / 14lb.)
Rest 1:00
Box Jumps (Maximum Repetitions – 24′ / 20′)
Rest 1:00
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift Highpull (Maximum Repetitions – 73lb. / 53lb.)

Note: Complete two rounds of todays session. Notice that the Assault Bike and Row are meant to be a sustained level of power output for the entire minute, rather than an accumulation of calories or “points.” The remaining stations qualify the scored section. Athletes who achieve the minimum power output for the Bike and Row receive a “check mark” for that station.

IMG 9410

Krav Maga


Friday Special Programs

Wendler & Power Lifting Class (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ)

Open Gym (1:00 PM – 4:00 PM)

CrossFit Gymnastics Class (5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at HQ)


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