FRIDAY 161014
Tabata Jackie!
Tabata Row (Maximum Calories)
Rest 1:00
Tabata Dumbell Thruster (25lb. / 15lb. Maximum Repetitions)
Rest 1:00
Tabata Pull-up (Maximum Repetitions
Note: The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds rest, completed for 8 rounds. This is a wallop of a stimulus! Today we will be mashing up the stations of the famous workout “Jackie” which is a 1K Row, 50 Thrusters, and 30 Pull-ups. Every repetition and calorie counts in todays workout, so push hard at each station. Top overall mens and women’s Rx’d score will win a pair of “Love Buds” listening devices donated by Henry.
Team Fraley and Team Luna
Friday Special Programs
Wendler & Power Lifting Class (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ)
CrossFit Gymnastics Class (6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at HQ)