15 May 2019


On a 3:00 clock,

Run 400 Meters,
Bench Press, As Many Repetitions As Possible (135lb. / 75lb.) 

Note: It’s back by popular demand! Today’s session is a staple training session at our gym. How many athletes can Rx’ todays session and achieve 15 or more repetitions each round, or a total of 60 or more repetitions? Rest up to 3:00 between rounds. Compare todays score to March 26, 2019. 


Kokoro Yoga starts TONIGHT 7PM 



Coach will be returning our Kokoro Yoga (Warrior Yoga) program to the schedule on Wednesday evenings from 7PM – 7:45PM. This class is an excellent addition to your CrossFit and Krav Maga training, and will include ancient breathing practices, meditation training, and a biblical message with direct relation and application to workouts “inside the box” in addition to life “outside the box.” This class is perfect for new Yoga practitioners, in addition to seasoned spiritual devotees who are interested in a Christian influence on Yoga and a more robust Warrior practice. We look forward to seeing you on the mat! (Mats are provided!)


Wednesday Special Programs 

  • Krav Maga – 5:30PM – 6:15PM (Advanced Class – Weapon Defense)
  • Kokoro Yoga – 7PM – 7:45PM (Free for CrossFit Pleasure Point Athletes!)


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