TUESDAY 190515
“Three Times The Heat”
Evolution One:
As Many Repetitions As Possible (AMRAP) in 3:00 of,
Deadlift (See note on weight below)
Rest up to 3:00 then,
Evolution Two:
As Many Repetitions As Possible in 2:00 of,
Hang Squat Clean (See note on weight below)
Rest up to 2:00 then,
Evolution Three:
As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00 of,
Shoulder to Overhead (See note on weight below)
Cash out with 5 Rope Climbs utilizing most challenging technique available.
- Men’s Barbell weight for Aspiring Purple Belt = 135lb. all evolutions
- Women’s Barbell weight for Aspiring Purple Belt = 85lb. all evolutions
- Aspiring Blue Belt & Blue Belt Stripe = 115/95 male and 65/85 female (all evolutions)
Memorial Day Murph – 2018
Tuesday Special Programs
Bag Class (5:30PM – 6:15PM at HQ)