FRIDAY 200515
Evolution A:
As Many Rounds As Possible in 15:00 of,
Weighted Object Alternating Front Rack Lunge, 20 reps (10 reps each leg)
Weighted Object Shoulder to Overhead, 20 reps (or 20 Hand Release Push-ups)
Run 200 Meters (or another aerobic activity of similar distance)
Rest as needed then,
Evolution B:
On a 3:00 clock for maximum total reps
Minute One, Weighted Object Deadlifts
Minute Two, Hand Release Push-ups
Minute Three, Weighted Object Deadlifts
Note: Coach will brief todays session in addition to providing modifications and scaling options in our Zoom class today. Please note the Zoom classroom is here:
Eagle Rise Speakers will Rise Again on May 19, 2020