16 FEBRUARY 2021

TUESDAY 210216

On a 3:00 clock,
Deadlift, 50 repetitions (95lb. / 65lb.)
Concept2 Row, As Many Calories As Possible (AMCAP = Score)

Rest as needed then,

On a 3:00 clock,
Hang Power Clean, 50 repetitions (95lb. / 65lb.)
Concept2 Row, As Many Calories As Possible (AMCAP = Score)

Rest as needed then,

On a 3:00 clock,
Push Jerk, 50 repetitions (95lb. / 65lb.)
Concept2 Row, As Many Calories As Possible (AMCAP = Score)

Cash out with the “U.S. Army Strict Pull-up Progression”

Note: Scale the weight as needed to ensure that you are able to get through each exercise in 3 or less total sets. A great goal is 20+ calories on the C2Row on each evolution. This is a good one that will require your A-game!

Reminder that the IRF22.org challenge is this coming Saturday, February 20, beginning at 10:00AM. If you need help putting a team together please speak with James, Kim or Coach.

IMG 2403

A-Team on Saturday!


Tuesday Schedule

  • CrossFit at 6AM, 8AM, 10:30AM and 4PM
  • Teenager Class at 3PM
  • Bag Class at 5:15PM



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