17 April 2016

SUNDAY 160417

Please join us today from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM for the CrossFit Pleasure Point Olympic Lifting Class followed by Open Gym from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. A CrossFit Pleasure Point Coach will be on staff to help with the accomplishment of your fitness goals.


30 Day Nutrition Challenge begins May 1, 2016


CrossFit Pleasure Point is pleased to offer our Athletes the first Nutrition Challenge at our gym. This challenge is designed to provide education and inspiration about the benefits of a disciplined nutritional plan. Below are some of the details:

  1. Video seminars provided to educate on micro-nutrient allotment at each meal.
  2. Pre and Post Body Fat Assessment conducted at Max Muscle on 41st Avenue.
  3. Zone proportion and “Block Count” for each food category provided.
  4. Customized meal plans with support of CrossFit Pleasure Point staff.
  5. Accountable measuring tools and daily “Check In” on 30 Day Challenge Board.
  6. Awards for most improved weight loss, muscle gain, and body composition.
  7. Beta test workout provided Pre and Post Challenge to test nutrition performance.

For more information on the upcoming Nutrition Challenge, please check with Greg Amundson or Ame Suzuki. Further details will be available soon on our Social Media and Website.


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