17 AUGUST 2021

TUESDAY 210817

“CAMP Chief”

As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in 5:00 of,
Power Clean, 3 repetitions (135lb. / 85lb.)
Hand Release Push-up, 6 repetitions
Squats, 9 repetitions

Rest up to 5:00 then,

As Many Rounds and Reps As Possible in 3:00 of,
Power Clean, 3 repetitions (135lb. / 85lb.)
Hand Release Push-up, 6 repetitions
Squats, 9 repetitions

Rest up to 3:00 then,

One Round For Time,
Power Clean, 10 repetitions (135lb. / 85lb.)
Hand Release Push-up, 20 repetitions
Squats, 30 repetitions

Cash out with either 3 Rope Climbs or 21 strict Pull-ups

Note: Today’s session is a slightly “CAMP” modified version of the famous CrossFit Hero Workout “The Chief.” The HRPU and descending AMRAP makes for an awesome challenge! A great goal is to average 1 round every 30 seconds.

IMG 4585



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