18 August 2017

FRIDAY 170817

Station Rotation at Krav Maga

One Minute “On” Followed by Thirty Seconds “Off” at the Following Stations (1 Round)

Assault Bike
Slam Ball (45lb. / 30lb.)
GHD Sit-up
Battle Ropes
Peg Board

Rest as needed then at HQ,

Threshold Mashup Training

As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00 of Wallball Shots (20lb. / 14lb.)
Rest 1:00
As Many Calories As Possible in 1:00 of Concept2 Row
Rest 1:00
As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00 of Double Under

Rest 2:00 and determine 50% of your Threshold then,

12:00 Running Clock (4 Rounds Each Station)
Minute One: Wallball Shots (50% Threshold)
Minute Two: Concept2 Row (50% Threshold)
Minute Three: Double Under (50% Threshold)

Note: It’s been an amazing week of rigorous training! The 50% threshold is EXTREMELY challenging, especially with this combination of movements. Therefore, use the 50% as a guideline, and reduce to 30 or 40% if appropriate for you.

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Friday Special Programs

Wendler & Power Lifting Class (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ)

Community Open Gym is Cancelled Today (Keyholder Access Only)

Gymnastics Class (5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at Krav Maga & HQ)


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