18 June 2013

TUESDAY 130618

1 Set of Clean and Jerk with your 5 RM (5 Repetition Max)
3 sets of Clean and Jerk with your 3 RM (Repetition Max)
5 sets of Clean and Jerk your 1 RM (Repetition Max)

Note: Clean and Jerk repetitions must be touch and go. No resetting or re-gripping at the bottom position. Between each Clean and Jerk set, perform 15 Toes to Bar or Toes to Rings. Advanced Athletes should strive for 5 repetitions of the Windshield Wiper which consists of a Toes to Bar, followed by “windshield wiping” the extended legs to the left and then to the right.


CrossFit Kettlebell Trainer Course with Greg Amundson at CrossFit Pleasure Point


“No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.” – Helen Keller


Reminder the CrossFit Pleasure Point Endurance Workout meets today at 1:00 PM. The Epic Fitness Van departs for the workout at 1:30 PM. Be prepared for an ocean swim.


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