19 August 2016

FRIDAY 160819

Thruster, 5,3,1,1,1 Repetitions (Use Rack – Go Heavy!)

Calculate 60, 70 and 80 Percent of 1RM Load

Rest as needed then,

For Maximum Speed and Power!

On a 3:00 Running Clock,
Run 200 Meters
5 Thrusters (80% of 1RM)
As Many Burpees As Possible

Rest up to 3:00 then,

On a 5:00 Running Clock,
Run 400 Meters
7 Thrusters (70% of 1RM)
As Many Burpees As Possible

Rest up to 5:00 then,

On a 7:00 Running Clock,
Run 800 Meters (Big Loop)
9 Thrusters (60% of 1RM)
As Many Burpees As Possible

Note: Todays workout encompasses the “Threshold” principle we are accustomed to working with for gymnastic movements. In our session today, the weight Threshold will decrease, as the volume increases. This is a potent combination! Come with your “A-game” it’s gonna be a good one. On the Sprint Rounds, the barbell will begin on the ground and require a Power Clean. Your “score” in each workout is the number of Burpees completed, multiplied by the amount of weight used on the set of Thrusters at each round.


Strong MIND – Strong BODY – Strong SPIRIT


“The breath is the link to the body, and to the soul. Therefore, moving the body with the breath can activate the spirit, in CrossFit, Yoga, and Martial Arts.” – Mark Divine during the Kokoro Yoga 2 Week Teacher Training Intensive




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