Evolution A:
Four Rounds for Time:
Single Leg Squat, 10 Repetitions OR Alternating Weighted Lunge, 20 Repetitions
15 Toes to Bar
9 Burpees
Rest as needed then,
Evolution B:
Four Founds For Time & Weight
“Barbell Complex”
3 Deadlifts
2 Front Squats
1 Shoulder to Overhead
Note: For the weighted lunge, mens Rx is 35lb. and women’s 25lb., either Dumbbell or Kettlebell. The back knee must “Kiss the Ground”. On the complex, Rx’d weight is 135lb. / 85lb., however advanced athletes are encouraged to “scale up.”
CrossFit Pleasure Point Christmas Party is TONIGHT!
Wednesday Class Schedule
6AM & 8AM CrossFit Workouts
All other classes cancelled.
CrossFit Pleasure Point Christmas Party (Holiday Singing, Faith Works Message and Meal!) 6PM – 7:30