FRIDAY 130719
Today we are going to do a modified version of the infamous CrossFit Games Open 13.1 workout. We’ll begin each class with a review of the Snatch technique. We’ll be running two heats of this workout each class to allow Athletes to team up to count repetitions and encourage an awesome effort.
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many repetitions as possible in 15:00:
40 Burpees
75 pound Snatch, 30 repetitions
30 Burpees
75 pound Snatch, 30 repetitions
20 Burpees
75 pound Snatch, 30 repetitions
10 Burpees
75 pound Snatch, as many repetitions as possible
Note: Women’s prescribed weight is 55lb.
CrossFit Gota from Sweden visits our 10:00 AM Crew
Reminder that Ken Gray speaks at our gym tomorrow, Saturday, July 20, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Ken will be speaking on the topic “The Power Of The Mind: How you can achieve success in ALL areas of your life by expanding your awareness.” Ken Gray, business partner of Bob Proctor (star in the hit movie “The Secret”) is a personal and corporate life coach, seminar leader and consultant, and a great friend of Greg Amundson. This special event is FREE to members of CrossFit Pleasure Point and is open to the public. The gym will be providing our traditional “Lecture Series” dinner. We look forward to seeing you at the gym.
The 2nd Edition to Greg Amundson’s book “Your Wife is NOT Your Sister” is now available on Amazon!