19 July 2016

TUESDAY 160719

Complete Three Individually Timed Rounds:

Row 400 Meters,
Run 400 Meters,
Kettlebell Swing, 30 Repetitions (53lb. / 35lb.)


Musha Shugya is September 4, 2016


The 2016 “Musha Shugya” Warrior Quest is scheduled for Sunday, September 4, from 0800 to TBD. There will be an Advanced “Musha Shugya” running concurrently for former Graduates. This is a life changing challenge that will integrate your Mind, Body and SPIRIT like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Any questions please check with Greg Amundson or any former “Musha Shugya” Graduate.


Tuesday Special Programs

CrossFit Light (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ /// 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at Krav Maga)

Todays LIGHT workout will be our HQ programming.

Women’s CrossFit (9:00 AM – 10:00 AM at Headquarters)

Warrior Yoga 75 (6:15 PM – 7:15 PM at Satvana Yoga)

CrossFit Clinic Class (7:00 PM – 8:00 PM at HQ)


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