19 June 2019



Three Rounds For Time:
Run 400 Meters
Kettlebell Swing, 21 Repetitions (53lb. / 35lb.)
Pull-up, 12 Repetitions

Rest as needed then,

“Cash Out”

Tabata Double Unders (Every Repetition Counts!)

Note: “Helen” is also known as the “Original CrossFit Challenge.” Today’s session is for the record board! Compare today’s score to December 20, 2018. 

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Tania’s brother Henry is a United States Marine! 


Congratulations to Tania’s brother Henry who recently graduated from the United States Marine Corps Basic Combat Training School. Henry’s next step is Marine Infantry School so please keep him in your prayers!


Wednesday Special Programs 

Krav Maga Weapon Defense (Advanced Class 5:30PM – 6:15PM)


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