20 AUGUST 2021

FRIDAY 210820

From the official “Team Guerrero CAMP”

For Time (7:00 time cap)

Concept2 Row, 100 meters
Toes to Bar, 30 repetitions
Concept2 Row, 300 meters
Toes to Bar, 20 repetitions
Concept2 Row, 500 meters
Toes to Bar, 10 repetitions

Rest as needed then,

For Time,
Run 400 meters
Kettlebell Swing, 30 repetitions (53lb. / 35lb.)
Kettlebell Goblet Squat, 20 repetitions
Kettlebell Shoulder to Overhead, 10 repetitions (5 each arm)
Kettlebell Goblet Squat, 20 repetitions
Kettlebell Swing, 30 repetitions
Run 400 meters

Note: This is an awesome session and great way to end the week! Fight Night is tomorrow (Saturday). Please keep Robert and Oscar in your prayers for their safety.

IMG 3780 rotated

Brad is a warrior!


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