FRIDAY 121220
“Oh man”
For Time,
Wallball Shots, 50 repetitions (20lb. / 16lb.)
Assault Bike, 30 calories (20 women)
Bar Muscle-up, 10 repetitions (or 20 pull-ups and 20 hand-release push-ups)
Rest as needed then,
Shoulder Press, 5,3,1,1,1 (achieve 1RM load)
Britain is the man!
Congratulations to Britain who bested Coach by 4 seconds in an epic battle of “modified Fran” during the 4PM workout on Wednesday. Way to go, Bishop!
Friday Special Programs
CrossFit Strength (8:00AM – 9:00AM)
Christmas Party is Tonight
Reminder that the CrossFit Pleasure Point Christmas Party is TONIGHT from 6:30PM to 8:00PM.