20 February 2019


“Got Gymnastics”

As Many Rounds As Possible in 10:00 of,

Rope Climb, 2 Ascents (Use most challenging technique available)
Toes to Bar, 10 Strict Repetitions 

Rest as needed then,

Row 300 Meters for Time,
Rest up to 2:00 then,
Row 200 Meters for Time,
Rest up to 2:00 then,
Row 100 Meters for Time 

Note: Athletes may substitute 7 Strict Pull-ups for 1 Rope Climb. Toes to Bar should be strict – no swinging or kipping allowed. 

IMG 5928

Guess who!


Please note the last class of the day is the 4PM workout. There is a private Yoga class today at HQ from 2:30PM to 3:30PM. During this time Keyholder access will not be available. 


Attention CrossFit Pleasure Point Athletes! The 2019 CrossFit Open begins this weekend! You can register as an athlete at Games.CrossFit.com. The CrossFit Open is a super fun and exciting (and challenging!) worldwide  competition. There is also a “scaled” version of the workout to ensure everyone can participate. We hope you can register! If you have questions on the Open, please check with Adrian. 


“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain


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