20 July 2017


Push Jerk, Maximum Repetitions (135lb. / 95lb.)
Rest up to 10 Seconds then,
Pull-ups, Maximum Repetitions (Strict)
Rest up to 3:00 then,
Push Jerk, Maximum Repetitions (115lb. / 85b.)
Rest up to 10 Seconds then,
Pull-ups, Maximum Repetitions (Kipping)
Rest up to 3:00 then,
Push Jerk, Maximum Repetitions (95lb. / 65lb.)
Rest up to 10 Seconds then,
Pull-ups, Maximum Repetitions (Chest to Bar)
Rest up to 3:00 then,
Push Jerk, Maximum Repetitions (85lb. / 55lb.)
Rest up to 10 Seconds then,
Bar Muscle Ups, Maximum Repetitions (or another round of Chest to Bar)

Note: This is a good one! Your “score” each round consists of the total number of Push Jerks over your Pull-ups. For example, a score of 20 / 20 is 20 Push Jerks over 20 Pull-ups of their respective variety. Be disciplined on the 10 seconds rest between stations! This is a 2006 circa Coach Glassman “test” of functional upper body strength.

4PM crew

Looking Good – Feeling Good – Outta’ Be in Hollywood!


Thursday Special Programs

CrossFit Light (Our Light workout will be our HQ programming today)

Endurance Workout is Cancelled Today!

Bag Class is Cancelled Today!

Satvana (6:00 PM – 7:15 PM at Krav Maga with Special Guest Instructor! )

CrossFit Clinic Class (7:00 PM – 8:00 PM at HQ)


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