20 March 2018

TUESDAY 180320

Skill Development: USAW Power Clean and Push Jerk Progressions.

Complete Five Sets – Start with Barbell and add weight ONLY AFTER COMPLETING A “PERFECT” PROGRESSION: (See note below.)

Power Clean from Power Position, 3 Repetitions (Add 1 Shoulder Press at final rep)
Power Clean from Above Knee (2 Second Pause) 2 Repetitions (Add 1 Push Press at final rep)
Power Clean from Floor, 1 Repetitions (Add 1 Push-Jerk)

Rest as needed then,

One Minute “On” followed by One Minute “Off” for 14:00 (7 Rounds)

1 Squat Clean
2 Shoulder to Overhead

Note: Todays workout is all about developing technique, then applying that technique in some heavy lifting! For the progression – a coach or training partner must “validate” the correct technique on all lifts before adding weight to the bar. The goal is to perform the progression PERFECTLY. For the EMOM, go as heavy as possible.

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Margaret coaches Cori through 18.4 (Great work Cori!)


Tuesday Special Programs

5:15PM – 6:00PM (Bag Class at Krav Maga)

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM (Satvana Yoga at Krav Maga)


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