FRIDAY 200320
Tabata Mash-up!
On an 8:00 Running Clock,
20 Seconds of Squats
Rest 10 Seconds
20 Seconds of Push-ups
Rest as needed then,
Army Grinder PT with Coach!
Notes: Today’s session will be live via Zoom. See the login information below!
“Team Challenge” will be inducted into the World Record book next month!
Today’s workout will be offered on Zoom so we can all “see each other” and interact. Coach will be leading the warm-up, workout brief, and will then lead everyone through the Tabata mash-up. You’ll want to setup your computer so the camera can see you or setup your iPhone accordingly. Zoom is a FREE platform that you can access on your iPhone or computer.
Group Workout on Zoom : 4PM Group Workout (Friday)
Time: Mar 20, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 294 921 915