FRIDAY 171020
CrossFit Hero Workout Friday!
For Time:
100 Squats (at HQ)
Run 100 Meters (to Krav Maga)
5 Bar Muscle Ups (or 5 Hand Release Gi Janes)
Run 100 Meters (to HQ)
75 Squats
Run 100 Meters
10 Bar Muscle Ups (or 10 Hand Release Gi Janes)
Run 100 Meters
50 Squats
Run 100 Meters
15 Bar Muscle Ups (of 15 Hand Release Gi Janes)
Run 100 Meters
25 Squats
Run 100 Meters
20 Bar Muscle Ups (or 20 Hand Release Gi Janes)
Run 100 Meters
Note: We will be using a “Medicine Ball Depth Gauge” today to ensure full range of motion in the bottom position. The modification / scale for Bar Muscle-ups will be Hand Release Gi Janes, in which the hands are released at the bottom component of the Burpee. This is an awesome Hero Workout!
S01 (SEAL) Jason Dale Lewis was killed by an IED while conducting combat operations in Southern Baghdad July 6, 2007.
Friday Special Programs
Wendler & Power Lifting Class (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ)
Keyholder Open Gym Only Today!
Gym Closes at 5PM.