Today we have a great test of increase workload through the workout.
14 Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM)
5 Jump Squats – 5 Pushups – +1 Burpee (add one burpee each minute)
For this workout at the start of each minute the Athlete will complete 5 jump squats and 5 pushups then 1 burpee. Each round the Athlete will add an additional burpee until the athlete is not able to complete the round or completes the 14 minute EMOM. Who is able to complete this workout?
Adrian and Adisa hold the current gym records for the 150 Burpees of 8:40 and 8:33 respectfully.
Amazing performance for each of them, especially for Adisa who dropped in and crushed the workout.
Thursday’s Schedule
6AM – Workout of the Day
1030AM – Workout of the Day
4PM – Workout of the Day
515PM – Teen Class