21 March 2015


Please join us from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM today for Open Gym Saturday.  There will be TWO formal group workouts today. The first workout will start at 10:00 AM and will be open to all skill levels and is free to our community. The second session will be for Registered CrossFit Games Athletes and will begin at approximately 11:30 AM. This workout will be the CrossFit Games Open WOD. The Workout is only for members of CrossFit Pleasure Point who have registered for the CrossFit Open.

Matthew : Corey BJJ

Matthew and Corey develop Jiu Jitsu technique


Saturday Special Programs

CrossFit Games Open 15.3 Workout (11:30 PM – TBD)


During the CrossFit Games Open Season, our 11:30 AM Competitors Class will transition into a CrossFit Games Competition for registered Games Athletes. We will have judges on hand, recording devices, and even a Rock Tape specialist to help our Athletes be at their best. Everyone is encouraged to visit the gym during the Competition to encourage and support our Registered Athletes. Non-registered Athletes will have an opportunity to try the workout once all Registered Athletes have completed their evolution.


Wellness Lecture Series & 15.5 BBQ Party

On Saturday, March 28, 2015, running concurrently with the final workout of the 2015 CrossFit Games Open Season, will be a free BBQ for all Athletes of CrossFit Pleasure Point. Come celebrate a very challenging Open season and cheer of the registered Athletes as they battle in the final Open workout. From 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, we will be hosting the next installment of the Wellness Lecture Series which will focus on Core Stability and spinal health.


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