MONDAY 180521
“Murph Prep 101.3”
For Time:
Run 1 Mile (Big Loop – HQ to Krav Maga)
50 Pull-ups (At Krav)
100 Push-ups (At HQ)
150 Squats (At HQ)
Run 800 Meters
Note: Today is another training day with the specific intention to increase confidence for the 2018 CrossFit Pleasure Point Memorial Day Murph. On todays session, we encourage “practicing” the repetition schedule you intend to use on Murph. Furthermore, to duplicate the exact training conditions of Murph, the Pull-up station will be at Krav Maga, and the Push-up and Squat stations will be at HQ. Athletes can partition their repetitions any way they choose, but must use the respective gyms for each type of exercise. The route between gyms will be the regular Portola Drive 100 meter sprint. How many people can “Rx” todays session in less that 20:00?
“What the mind can conceive and believe, the body will achieve!”
Please note the 5PM workout is cancelled today. Last workout of the day is 4PM.
Week At A Glance!
Tuesday: Bag Class and Warrior Yoga
Wednesday: Krav Maga (Handgun Defense Series)
Thursday: Bag Class and Warrior Yoga
Friday: Strength Training and Olympic Lifting Club
Saturday: Free Community Workout
Monday, May 28, 11:30 AM – TBD – Memorial Day Murph & BBQ