21 November 2018


Evolution A:
On a 7:00 Running  Clock,
Run 600 Meters (Speed Bump on 35th)
As Many Rounds and Repetitions As Possible of,
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Rest as needed then,

Evolution B:
On a 7:00 Running Clock,
Run 600 Meters (Speed Bump on 35th)
As Many Rounds and Repetitions As Possible of,
Push-Jerk, 5 Repetitions
Hang Power Clean, 10 Repetitions
Deadlift, 15 Repetitions

Note: This is a solid session, and a great way to get ready for that Thanksgiving day meal! Prescribed barbell weight for men is 95lb., and women is 65lb. How many Athletes can achieve 5 or more rounds of both Evolution A and B? Reminder there is ONLY a 6AM and 8AM workout today!

IMG 5045

Happy Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule

Please note our gym will be closed on Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday. May this time with your family and friends be blessed! The next workout is Saturday at 10AM.


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