22 April 2016

FRIDAY 160422

“Sprint Got Bad”

On a 2:00 Running Clock,
Sprint 200 Meters
Box Jump, Maximum Repetitions

Rest up to 1:00 then,

On a 2:00 Running Clock,
Sprint 200 Meters
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift Highpull, Maximum Repetitions (73lb. / 53lb)

Rest up to 1:00 then,

On a 2:00 Running Clock,
Sprint 200 Meters
Wall Ball, Maximum Repetitions (20lb. / 14lb.)

Rest up to 1:00 then,

On a 2:00 Running Clock,
Sprint 200 Meters
Dumbbell Push-Press, Maximum Repetitions (35lb. / 25lb.)

Rest up to 1:00 then,

On a 2:00 Running Clock,
Sprint 200 Meters
Concept 2 Row, Maximum Calories

Note: Today’s training session is a “Sprint Version” of the infamous “Fight Gone Bad” workout. Athletes can pick their start station, but must honor the order of rotation. Advanced Athletes should strive for an average of .50 to 1:00 sprints, to allow for a full minute of work at each station. How many Athletes can achieve 100 or more “Rx’d” repetitions between all five stations? This is gonna’ be a good one!



Good luck and safe travels to Greg Amundson who will be doing advanced Warrior Yoga training at SEALFIT this weekend, and filming video footage for Mark Divine’s new book “Kokoro Yoga.”



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