23 January 2018

TUESDAY 180123

Station Rotation at Krav Maga:

One Minute “On” Followed by Thirty Seconds “Off” at the Following Stations (1 Round)

Assault Bike
Concept2 Row
GHD Sit-up
Battle Ropes
Peg Board

Rest as needed then,

Threshold Mashup Training

As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00 of Double Under
Rest 1:00
As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00 of Dumbbell Snatch (45lb. / 25lb.)
Rest 1:00
As Many Repetitions As Possible in 1:00 of Toes to Bar

Rest 2:00 and determine your Threshold percentages below:

12:00 Running Clock (4 Rounds Each Station)
Minute One: Double Under (50% Threshold)
Minute Two: Snatch (50% Threshold)
Minute Three: Toes to Bar (50% Threshold)

Note: The technique on the Alternating Dumbbell Snatch will be taught in class. We anticipate this exercise appearing in the CrossFit Open – time to practice!



Tuesday Special Programs

Bag Class (5:15 PM – 6:00 PM at Krav Maga)

Satvana Warrior Yoga (6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at Krav Maga)



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