23 July 2018

MONDAY 180723

From The CAMP (CrossFit Pleasure Point Maximum Performance)

Complete Three Rounds – Rest 1:00 between rounds.

Minute One: Rope Climb or Pull-up (Athlete Choice – See Note Below)
Minute Two: Wall Ball Shots, (20lb. / 14lb.)
Minute Three: Box Jump (20′ for men and women)
Minute Four: One Arm Dumbbell Snatch (up to 50lb. / 35lb. Alternate arms as needed)
Minute Five: 200 Meter Run (Bus Stop and Back)

Note: Todays workout operates in the “Fight Gone Bad” methodology, with every repetition counting as a “point.” The 200 meter run counts as 20 points, and every Rope Climb is equal to 5 Pull-ups. Keep a running total of repetitions throughout the workout. This is a good one.


Coach and Champ – July 2012


In July, 2012, CrossFit Pleasure Point Sponsored Athlete Nathan Mendelsohn won a gold medal victory at the Las Vegas Open International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation Competition. Nathan took the gold in the Brown Belt division in the middleweight weight class. Six years later, Nathan is now a legendary Black Belt, and dearly loved and respected Professor of Jiu Jitsu.


Week At A Glance

Tuesday: Bag Class and Yoga (8 x Rounds)

Wednesday: Krav Maga

Thursday: Combined Bag Class with Technique Emphasis and Yoga (5:15 – 6:15)

Friday: Strength Training and Olympic Lifting

Saturday: Free Community Workout


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