23 JULY 2021

FRIDAY 210723

On a 10:00 running clock,

0:00 to 2:00
Run 300 meters
Pull-up, As Many Repetitions As Possible
2:00 to 4:00 rest
4:00 to 6:00
Run 300 meters
Hand Release Push-up, As Many Repetitions As Possible
6:00 to 8:00 rest
8:00 to 10:00
Run 300 meters
Squats, As Many Repetitions As Possible

Rest as needed then,

Tempo Deadlift, 3,3,3 repetitions (5 second tempo at 70% 1RM)
Rope Climb, 1,1,1 repetitions (use the most challenging technique available!)

Note: Congratulations everyone on an awesome week of training! One more challenging session before the weekend. Bring your A-game and stay hydrated!

IMG 4265 rotated


Our very own Henry He is relocating with his family to Los Angeles. We are going to miss you brother!


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