TUESDAY 210323
Threshold Mash-up Training!
The Test:
- As Many Repetitions As Possible (AMRAP) of Kettlebell Swing (53lb. / 35lb.)
- Rest 1:00
- As Many Repetitions As Possible (AMRAP) of Toes to Bar
Rest as needed then,
15:00 Clock (5 rounds each station)
A = Kettlebell Swing (50% threshold)
B = Toes to Bar (50% threshold)
C = Bike, 12/7 calories
Note: Today’s session is at the very top of our programming potential! The “Threshold Mash-up” training will test your endurance, stamina, strength, speed and coordination. This is one great workout!
Marissa is a Pull-up champion!
Tuesday Schedule
- CrossFit at 6AM, 8AM, 10:30AM and 4PM
- Teenager Class at 3PM
- No Bag Class Tonight