24 APRIL 2020

FRIDAY 200424

Evolution A:

For Time,
1 Weighted Object Thruster
10 Weighted Object Hang Power Cleans
2 Weighted Object Thrusters
9 Weighted Object Hang Power Cleans
3 Weighted Object Thrusters
8 Weighted Object Hang Power Cleans

Continue this progression until,

10 Weighted Object Thrusters
1 Weighted Object Hang Power Cleans

Rest as needed then,

Evolution B:

Tabata Superman Drill

Note: Coach will be leading this workout today at 4:00PM on Zoom and will discuss weighted object modifications in addition to teaching the Superman Drill. This is a great session! Zoom https://zoom.us/j/94022375706 

99E04307 7AD0 4FE6 A7BA 4034EEF6D53F



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