24 June 2016

FRIDAY 160624

From “The CAMP” (CrossFit Pleasure Point Maximum Performance)

“Friday Night Fights!”

Complete Three Rounds, Resting 1:00 Between Rounds:

Minute One: Concept 2 Row, Maximum Calories
Minute Two: Toes to Bar, Maximum Repetitions
Minute Three: Wallball Shots, Maximum Repetitions (20lb. / 16lb.)
Minute Four: Assault Bike, Maximum Calories
Minute Five: Hurdle Jump, Maximum Repetitions

Note: Todays workout operates like “Fight Gone Bad” in which the Athlete achieves maximum repetitions at each station, then rotates at the end of the minute immediately to the next station. There is no rest between stations. At the end of each round, rest 1:00 and tally scores, then repeat for a total of 3 rounds. Maintain a total running score for each round.


Beto nails a 225lb. Thruster!



July 9, 2016 1:00 PM – TBD: CAMP Level 2 Rank Test

July 10, 2016, 1PM – 3PM: Running Technique Clinic


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