25 July 2019


Every 5:00 for 20:00 (4 Rounds)

Evolution A:
Run 400 Meters 
Kettlebell Swing, 21 Repetitions 
Pull-up, 12 Repetitions 

Evolution B:
Concept 2 Row, 500 Meters 
Kettlebell Swing, 21 Repetitions 
Pull-up, 12 Repetitions 

Evolution C:
Assault Bike, 30 Calories
Kettlebell Swing, 21 Repetitions 
Pull-up, 12 Repetitions 

Evolution D:
Double Under, 100 Repetitions (or 150 single jumps)
Kettlebell Swing, 21 Repetitions 
Pull-up, 12 Repetitions 

Note: Athletes can pick their starting evolution, but most honor the order of progression. Each evolution will be individually timed. Once complete, athletes will wait until the start of the next evolution (commencing at 5:00, 10:00 and 15:00). Aspiring Purple Belts should attempt to Rx all evolutions with a completion time of 3:00 or less, and aspiring Blue Belts Rx’ at 4:00 or less. Kettlebell weight is 53lb. / 35lb. 



Thursday Special Programs 

  • CrossFit Masters Class (10:30AM – 11:30AM)
  • Krav Maga (5:30PM – 6:15PM)


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