25 May 2016


For time:
Power Clean, 10 Repetitions (165lb. / 115lb.)
Run 200 meters
Power Clean, 20 Repetitions (135lb. / 95lb.)
Run 400 meters
Power Clean, 30 Repetitions (95lb. / 65lb.)
Run 800 meters (Floral Loop)

Note: Today’s workout is a CrossFit HQ “Original Workout” circa 2003. Bring your “A Game” today for a great session!


Christina at the Surfers Path 1/2 Marathon


Wednesday Special Programs

Warrior Yoga 75 (9:00 AM – 10:15 AM at Satvana Yoga)

CrossFit Light (8:00 AM – 9:00 AM at HQ /// 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM at Krav Maga)

For time:
Kettlebell Front Squat, 20 Repetitions
Run 200 meters
Kettlebell Swing, 30 Repetitions
Run 400 meters
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 40 Repetitions
Run 800 meters (Floral Loop)


Tire Flip Relay! (5:00 PM class only!)

Krav Maga Please note Krav Maga is cancelled tonight. 


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